Desert Museum Vignettes

And then there was George

George L Mountainlion by Nick Wilson
George L Mountainlion by Nick Wilson
George L IV
George L IV
George L II with Lew Walker and Bill Carr
George L II with Lew Walker and Bill Carr
George L Mountainlion I
George L Mountainlion I
George L Mountainlion Memorial Plaque
George L Mountainlion Memorial Plaque
George L Mountainlion - the Literary Lion as drawn by Chuck
Lew Walker and George L II
Lew Walker and George L II
George L II
George L II

It was February 22, 1953, 当比尔·卡尔邀请我丈夫梅夫时,网上买球十大正规平台才成立六个月, 我陪他去图森机场接一只尊贵的arrival�博物馆新添的雄性美洲狮. In the terminal, a small crowd of people stood around a traveling cage, exclaiming over the ferocious, growling mountain lion they could barely see, but clearly hear through the heavily screened cage door. 实际上,他们听到的是一只友好而兴奋的小狮子发出的呼噜声和汪汪声.

推荐一个买球网站把狮子装在旅行车的后面,向博物馆驶去,一路上欣赏着狮子明显友好的天性和叫声. All the way we talked to him and he talked to us. 当推荐一个买球网站到达博物馆时,推荐一个买球网站确信他是一只友好的猫,而不是一只凶猛的狮子. 当狮子从旅行的笼子里放出来时,比尔问梅夫和我是否愿意去狮子的围栏. We were delighted to accept. There we stood. Three people in a lion cage.

The end gate of the cage was opened. The lion was eager. 推荐一个买球网站看着它从笼子里出来,它似乎变得越来越长,越来越大. 他似乎太大了,装不进旅行的笼子. 出现的是一只瘦长的、长腿的、大脚的、青春期的、接近成年的狮子. As he grew before our eyes, Bill, somewhat panicked, 指示推荐一个买球网站都需要“安静而冷静地”向最近的出口(这是唯一的出口)移动。. Looking back on our controlled but rapid retreat that day, I�m sure if we’d looked at the lion, instead of at the door, Weï我看到推荐一个买球网站的新朋友狮子脸上带着困惑的表情. 推荐一个买球网站很快了解到这只狮子是在人群中长大的,喜欢人们的关注. 那天,我想他一定很奇怪,为什么推荐一个买球网站不留下来好好了解一下.

It was George Washington’s birthday when the lion arrived. He became George (for the holiday). Bill added the initial L. “狮子”的意思,由“山”和“狮子”两个词组合而成. Thus George L. Mountainlion came to the Desert Museum. 乔治成为《推荐一个买球网站》(Arizona Daily Star)的每周专栏作家(在一点帮助下),并一直是Museum�s的偶像. 在Museum�65年的历史中,其他几个乔治跟随第一个. We have loved them all.

— Peggy Larson, November, 2016

随着网上买球十大正规平台65周年纪念“即将到来”, 看来应该问问乔治的看法.

Interview with a Lion

George L. Mountainlion and Peggy Larson

“乔治,由于你的努力,网上买球十大正规平台发生了那么多美好的事情. What are the accomplishments of which you�re most proud?”

I was interviewing George L. Mountainlion for our Archive/Interview/Vignette Program. 64年来,乔治一直是博物馆的标志,我意识到他应该是已经完成的100次采访中的第一次. 我向乔治道歉,并告诉他这是推荐一个买球网站第一次对Museum�的动物居民进行治疗. He was polite and said he was pleased to be included.

“多年来,我一直是博物馆的代言人,我真的很高兴,”他告诉我. “Look at the Museum’s letterhead, 你会在每一封寄出的信上看到我的脸,itï我收到了很多邀请, brochures, and— you name it!”

“Obviously, 自从来到这里,我就经历了博物馆的历史,那时博物馆刚成立六个月. I was a big-pawed adolescent then, 比尔·卡尔安排我做Museumï特别住院医生!” (George has always had a very positive self-image. P. L.)

“正如你所知,我是一个文学狮子和一个Catamount专栏作家. 多年来,我为《推荐一个买球网站》(Arizona Daily Star)撰写关于博物馆活动的每周专栏. 当然,半个多世纪以来,我一直在为博物馆争取公众的关注.”

“尤其让我感到自豪的是,我能够就博物馆事务向博物馆的11位馆长提供建议. 我是工作人员和常驻动物之间的联络人,帮助确保它们的健康. For example, 我的想法是为推荐一个买球网站的老年动物建造舒适的“老年”宿舍.” (乔治私下解释说,他绝对没有退休的打算. P.L.)

我问了乔治一个关键的问题:“你希望博物馆一百周年的时候是什么样子??” That caused some puma-pondering before he replied.

“嗯,你知道,博物馆一开始有一个伟大的使命,但展品有限. We displayed reptiles and small mammals in one room, outside “cages” housed larger mammals, and a couple of paths wandered among desert plants. Then, under my watch (told you! P.L.) the Museum has been transformed with naturalistic habitat enclosures; major docent and volunteer programs; extensive education, science, and conservation programs; a renowned Congdon Earth Sciences Center; a 300-seat theatre; food services; public programs such as Raptor Free Flight; and a highly successful Art Institute.” (Just know, we couldn�t have done it without you, George! P.L.)

推荐一个买球网站最喜欢的狮子最后说:“网上买球十大正规平台被称为‘沙漠中的奇迹’。”. I’m proud to have had a hand — oops, four paws — in its success. 在它一百岁的时候,我希望它成为那个时代的保护奇迹, 以及对索诺兰沙漠的欣赏,尤其是对美洲狮的欣赏!”

Photos courtesy of ASDM Archives.

亚利桑那-索诺拉网上买球十大正规平台(ASDM)口述历史项目旨在记录ASDM的历史. 采访和收集的材料提供了一个捕捉博物馆创始人记忆的机会, members, staff, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.

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